IEEE BigData 2018の気になった論文を列挙する



  • 基盤というより、アルゴリズム、アプリケーション層
  • 一部ユースケースを想像させるものもある


L1 Scientific Data Management

  • BigD529 Cloud based Real-Time and Low Latency Scientific Event Analysis Chen Yang, Zhihui Du, and Xiaofeng Meng

L3 Semantic-based Data Mining

  • BigD483 A Data-Centric Approach for Image Scene Localization Abdullah Alfarrarjeh, Seon Ho Kim, Shivnesh Rajan, Akshay Deshmukh, and Cyrus Shahabi
  • BigD753 Improved Dynamic Memory Network for Dialogue Act Classification with Adversarial Training Yao Wan, Wenqiang Yan, Jianwe

L4 Big Data Applications: Machine Learning

  • BigD526 A Minimax Approach for Classification with Big-data Krishnan Raghavan, Jagannathan Sarangapani, and VA Samaranayake
  • BigD445 Transfer learning for time series classification Hassan Ismail Fawaz, Germain Forestier, Jonathan Weber, Lhassane Idoumghar, and Pierre-Alain Muller

L5 Novel Theoretical Models for Big Data

  • BigD357 Linear Models with Many Cores and CPUs: A Stochastic Atomic Update Scheme Edward Raff and Jared Sylvester
  • BigD580 Time Series Classification Using a Neural Network Ensemble Soukaina Filali Boubrahimi and Rafal Angryk

L6 Big Data Analytics Frameworks

  • BigD336 Online Density Estimation over Streaming Data: A Local Adaptive Solution Zhong Chen, Zhide Fang, Jiabin zhao, Wei Fan, Andrea Edwards, and Kun Zhang
  • BigD397 Learning-based Automatic Parameter Tuning for Big Data Analytics Frameworks Liang Bao, Xin Liu, and Weizhao Chen

L9 Recommendation Systems and Stream Data Management

  • BigD626 StreamGuard: A Bayesian Network Approach to Copyright Infringement Detection Problem in Large-scale Live Video Sharing Systems Daniel Zhang, Lixing Song, Qi Li, Yang Zhang, and Dong Wang
  • BigD600 BigSR: real-time expressive RDF stream reasoning on modern Big Data platforms Xiangnan Ren, Olivier Cure, Hubert Naacke, and GuohuiXiao

L11 Big Data Applications: Industry and Business

  • BigD528 Mining Illegal Insider Trading of Stocks: A Proactive Approach Sheikh Rabiul Islam, Sheikh Khaled Ghafoor, and William Eberle
  • BigD547 Profiling Driver Behavior for Personalized Insurance Pricing and Maximal Profit Bing He, Dian Zhang, Siyuan Liu, Hao Liu, Dawei Han, and Lionel M. Ni
  • BigD685 An Unsupervised Learning Based Approach for Mining Attribute Based Access Control Policies Leila Karimi and James Joshi
  • BigD285 Realtime Robustification of Interdependent Networks under Cascading Attacks Zhen Chen, Hanghang Tong, and Lei Ying
  • BigD643 Situation-Based Interaction Learning for Personality Prediction on Facebook Lei Zhang, Liang Zhao, Xuchao Zhang, Wenmo Kong, Zitong Sheng, and Chang-Tien Lu

L12 Big Data Applications: Health & Science Discovery

  • BigD653 Technology Enablers for Big Data, Multi-Stage Analysis in Medical Image Processing Shunxing Bao, Prasanna Parvathaneni, Yuankai Huo, Yogesh Barve, Andrew Plassard, Yuang Yao, Hongyang Sun, Ilwoo Lyu, David Zald, Bennett Landman, and Aniruddha Gokhale
  • BigD456 A Structured Learning Approach with Neural Conditional Random Fields for Sleep Staging Karan Aggarwal, Swaraj Khadanga, Shafiq Joty, Louis Kazaglis, and Jaideep Srivastava
  • BigD402 Dynamic Prediction of ICU Mortality Risk Using Domain Adaptation Tiago Alves, Alberto Laender, Adriano Veloso, and Nivio Ziviani
  • BigD353 Large-Scale Validation of Hypothesis Generation Systems via Candidate Ranking Justin Sybrandt, Micheal Shtutman, and Ilya Safro
  • BigD354 Are Abstracts Enough for Hypothesis Generation? Justin Sybrandt, Angelo Carrabba, Alexander Herzog, and Ilya Safro

L14 HPC Platforms for Big Data

  • BigD294 Column Cache: Buffer Cache for Columnar Storage on HDFS Takeshi Yoshimura, Tatsuhiro Chiba, and Hiroshi Horii
  • BigD431 Scalable Manifold Learning for Big Data with Apache Spark Frank Schoeneman and Jaroslaw Zola
  • BigD598 Mira: Sharing Resources for Distributed Analytics at Small Timescales Michael Kaufmann, Kornilios Kourtis, Adrian Schuepbach, and Martina Zitterbart

L17 Big Data Applications: Deep Learning

  • BigD406 Two Birds with One Network: Unifying Event Prediction and Time-to-failure Modeling Karan Aggarwal, Onur Atan, Ahmed Farahat, Chi Zhang, Kosta Ristovski, and Chetan Gupta
  • BigD292 Market Abnormality Period Detection via Comovement Attention Model Yue Wang, Chenwei Zhang, Shen Wang, Philip S. Yu, Lu Bai, and Lixin Cui
  • BigD298 Optimizing Taxi Carpool Policies via Reinforcement Learning and Spatio-Temporal Mining Ishan Jindal, Zhiwei (Tony) Qin, Xuewen Chen, Matthew Nokleby, and Jieping Ye

L18 Mobile and IoT Data

  • BigD371 Enabling of Predictive Maintenance in the Brownfield through Low-Cost Sensors, an IIoT-Architecture and Machine Learning Patrick Straus, Rene Wostmann, Markus Schmitz, and Jochen Deuse
  • BigD240 Using Smart Card Data to Model Commuters' Response Upon Unexpected Train Delays Xiancai Tian and Baihua Zheng
  • BigD542 Hot Spot Analysis for Big Trajectory Data Panagiotis Nikitopoulos, Aris-Iakovos Paraskevopoulos, Christos Doulkeridis, Nikos Pelekis, and Yannis Theodoridis
  • BigD722 Fusion of Terrain Information and Mobile Phone Location Data for Flood Area Detection in Rural Areas Takahiro Yabe, Kota Tsubouchi, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
  • BigD296 Benchmarking Anomaly Detection Algorithms in an Industrial Context: Dealing with Scarce Labels and Multiple Positive Types David Renaudie, Maria A. Zuluaga, and Rodrigo AcunaAgost

L22 Privacy and Security

  • BigD247 Distributed Machine Learning Meets Blockchain: A Decentralized, Secure, and Privacy-preserving Realization Xuhui Chen, Jinlong Ji, Changqing Luo, Weixian Liao, and Pan Li

S1 Big Data Infrastructure (1)

  • BigD291 Analyzing Alibaba's Co-located Datacenter Workloads Yue Cheng, Ali Anwar, and Xuejing Duan
  • BigD735 Spark-uDAPL: Cost-Saving Big Data Analytics on Microsoft Azure Cloud with RDMA Networks Xiaoyi Lu, Dipti Shankar, Haiyang Shi, and Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda
  • BigD381 Integrated Real-Time Data Stream Analysis and SketchBased Video Retrieval in Team Sports Lukas Probst, Fabian Rauschenbach, Heiko Schuldt, Philipp Seidenschwarz, and Martin Rumo

S5 Big Data Infrastructure (2)

  • BigD252 Serverless Big Data Processing using Matrix Multiplication as Example Sebastian Werner, Jorn Kuhlenkamp, Markus Klems, Johannes Muller, and Stefan Tai

S6 Big Data Applications (2)

  • BigD535 Short-term local weather forecast using dense weather station by deep neural network Kazuo Yonekura, Hitoshi Hattori, and Taiji Suzuki

S12 Recommendation Systems & Stream Data Mining

  • BigD383 Learning Fast and Slow - A Unified Batch/Stream Framework Jacob Montiel, Albert Bifet, Viktor Losing, Jesse Read, and Talel Abdessalem

I&G Regular3: Big Data Platforms & Frameworks

  • N211 Learning to Simplify Distributed Systems Management Christopher Streiffer, Ramya Raghavendra, Theophilus Benson, and Mudhakar Srivatsa
  • N259 Finding Data Should be Easier than Finding Oil Evgeny Kharlamov, Martin Skjaeveland, Theofilos Mailis, Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz, Guohui Xiao, Ahmet Soylu, Hallstein Lie, and Arild Waaler

I&G Short3: Big Data Algorithms & Systems (2)

  • N222 Using Real-World Store Data for Foot Traffic Forecasting Soheila Abrishami and Piyush Kumar
  • N218 Distributed NoSQL Data Stores: Performance Analysis and a Case Study Abdeltawab Hendawi, Jayant Gupta, Liu Jiayi, Ankur Teredesai, Ramakrishnan Naveen, Shah Mohak, and Mohamed Ali